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Framus 5/116-54 New Sound Television, 1966 - which Strings?

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  • Framus 5/116-54 New Sound Television, 1966 - which Strings?

    Hi Friends,

    just some days ago I´ve got the second Framus in my life.
    It´s a 1966 Framus 5/116-54 New Sound Television - and I already love it!
    It looks stunning & the sound is amazing!

    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Fram_NS_TV_Front01.jpeg
Ansichten: 87
Größe: 64,9 KB
ID: 3587

    Only issue is - string buzz...

    I assume the currently fitted strings do not fit the guitar well so I´d be very interested
    to learn what type/weight of stings this guitar needs/was equipped with from factory?

    Thanks & best wishes
    Zuletzt geändert von CAPSlock; 27.05.2024, 22:41.

  • #2
    Looking great! You don’t state what you don’t like about the current strings? Too floppy?

    Popular replacements by Framus then were “Billy Lorento Strings” which were flatwounds. A matter of taste I’d say. If you’d say that back then strings were quite heavy gauge, I won’t argue with you, I wasn’t around to know about it. But why suffer?


    • #3
      Sorry for lazy reply morale on my end... Been away and offline some time;-)
      What I dońt like is that the 5. + 6. string have a tendency to buzz when I play just a bit rough.
      Playing a baseline with the thumb is nearly impossible without buzzing...
      Will try a more heavy set of strings next time.

