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Old Framus Help ID

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  • Old Framus Help ID

    Hi I'm new member. I found this on a flee market, it is more or less destroy. The pick guard is not right, I believe a pickup is missing. The tremolo is a weird system. The guitar has been painted awful in the front.. Back on the headstock there is a number 33057 the tuners is stamp Framus. Can anybody ID this model, tell me a story :-) and how old is it. I can't find any photo anywhere. Thanks.
    Zuletzt geändert von Nossnevs; 19.05.2024, 14:55.

  • #2
    Hi and welcome. Is this a Swedish name?
    This looks like good, cheap fun. ( I don't believe you paid much?)
    Those were held in good esteem (because they are the oldest electrics) when Framus guitars first became collectible in Germany in the late 80s. Before they were played by unproud owners who couldn't afford American guitars. Maybe a former owner saw it the same way and deleted the brand stamp by sawing off the front portion of the pick guard once the neck pickup died, or had been used to amplify an acoustic guitar. They have been reissued (presumably because they're easier replicable than their 60s stuff).
    I suggest you do a text search on this forum for "Hollywood", there should be a discussion with a link to a collector's site that gives good information.


    • #3
      Hi Thanks.

