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Help Identifying My Dad's Guitar

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  • Help Identifying My Dad's Guitar

    Please help me identify my dad's guitar. He passed away in 1993 so there is no way to ask him and the company he bought it from is no longer in business.

  • #2
    Yes it's a 5/296 model "Texan". If the smudge right to the tester's signature reads "67", followed by a letter, it confirms the timeline of 12strings that I'm working on and may post soon. I don't think the "ML" means anything outside of the dealer's files. You could ask there - oh no, you can't. But maybe someone recalls the names of the employees from 55 years ago?
    If your family still lives there - greetings to New Jersey? i need to remember to tune in to WFMU, workdays at noon, here in central Europe.

