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Question about this Framus Bass found in a record store

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  • Question about this Framus Bass found in a record store

    Helle everyone
    I'm new here, I'm a bassist from France and I'd like to buy a new bass
    I sold my old one (G&L) and now i'm starting to search for another one.
    I stumble upon this shop in my town, with this bass.
    I had no idea about this brand... and then I started to dig up a little bit, but I have no way of finding ressources on the internet about this specific model (catalog, images, nothing...)
    And so I've started to think : maybe it is a fake one ?
    it says "1976" on the sticker (as well as 450e) ​​
    And then I thought about talking about it with a dedicated community.
    So here is the picture : I did not have the chance to see it closer, maybe later next week.
    my question is simply : anyone have ever seen this bass ? is this a real Framus ?
    Thank you in advance,

    Zuletzt geändert von postgaro; 21.01.2024, 13:16.

  • #2
    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: WhatsApp Image 2024-01-21 à 12.37.17_c124f5d6.jpg
Ansichten: 974
Größe: 69,9 KB
ID: 2306 Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: WhatsApp Image 2024-01-21 à 12.37.17_b2822b9e.jpg
Ansichten: 962
Größe: 49,0 KB
ID: 2307


    • #3
      It is great to have a record shop in town. Even cooler if it has instruments and even sells them (?; but the expanation for 450E would be asking price, no?) That is a bit on the high side given the modifications, the strange one being the headstock (with stripped paint and reattached logo) Should be from the mid to late 60s, look up "Strato (deluxe) Star Bass.


      • #4
        Zitat von Fee K. Beitrag anzeigen
        It is great to have a record shop in town. Even cooler if it has instruments and even sells them (?; but the expanation for 450E would be asking price, no?) That is a bit on the high side given the modifications, the strange one being the headstock (with stripped paint and reattached logo) Should be from the mid to late 60s, look up "Strato (deluxe) Star Bass.
        thank you for the answer ! yeah it's a cool place, for a town with only 6k peoples living in, it is surprising that it works well.
        for the price I had no idea what it could cost. you think it is too much ? the thing is, from closer it does not look like in a veryy good shape, I mean, the bass is dirty.
        what stood out for me is the fact that it is a vintage bass, so, maybe "better"


        • #5
          "It's vintage, so it must be worth a lot" says the owner, ignoring the compromises, like needing to clean it up, make a truss rod cover, or "does this pickup pick up as it should?" or "can I accidentally kill someone with that sharp headstock?.
          "It's vintage, so it must be worth a bit" says I, so would be shy to offer much less than 300. So go and ask, if you really like how it plays.
          If it were me, I could see that happening...

